Overview :

In front-end editing, you can move each of the Joomla modules that are visible on your page. You can move each module inside its position


See also :

Edit a module
Publish / unpublish a module
Remove a module



On your webpage, log yourself as editor or administrator. A NGE toolbar is visible on the left side of the screen. Unlock the webpage by clicking on the button.

With your mouse, go hover a module. You can see the the "Drag" button on the upper-right corner. Click on the button and drag the whole module to move it between the other modules of the position.


Edit module to change its position

You can edit the module, to get instantely all the Joomla settings of the module, staying in your page in frontend. Just change the position and save the window.

See edit a module.



This functionnality is 100% Joomla complient. When you move a Joomla module with the drag button, the new ordering of the module inside the position is saved in the current settings of the module. If you go in Joomla administration, you see the new ordering. You can both change ordering of the modules in the Frontend with NextGenEditor or in the Joomla Backend.