
You can change the font settings for the specific texts in a widget : title, body, legend... Choose one of the 800 fonts en 1900 sub-weights.

See also Animations and text strikeout.



Type name : you can type the name of a font, available in your browser or in the preset loaded fonts of your template.
Browser font : you can choose one of the fonts available on the most current browser. Browser fonts are very fast. To get more styling variety, use google fonts.
Google font : you can choose one of the 800 available fonts. The choosen fonts will be loaded automatically in the page. It is the best way to have beautiful styled texts in your website.

See all Google fonts


You can type a color in the RGB format, or choose it in the color picker. For some texts (for exemple main title), you can choose a hover color. Leave empty for no hover color.

Letter spacing

You can narrow or dismiss the text. The standard spacing is 1. The value is deduced or added to the standard spacing in px. he css property used is "letter-spacing".


With some fonts, you can choose a lighter or bolder weight. The weight possibilities vary among the used fonts. Some fonts allow only one bolder weigth, other fonts allow a big variety within light and bolder.


You can choose an italic style. Works with all fonts.


Choose an automatic case to transform your text, for example in all uppercase.



These font settings are included inside the widget in a <style> tag. It overrides the default css settings of the template, except if your template uses the !important rule.